Frequently asked questions

Question: Can I cancel my pledge?

Answer: If you change your mind you may cancel your pledge at anytime in one of two ways. The easiest way is to click the pledge button (or click here) and you will be returned to the google form where it should remember your answers (provided you were and still are signed into the same google account). If it does not remember any of your answers than you can always contact us here (or through email or discord) to be removed from the list! If you submitted multiple pledges with the same google account you will only be able to edit your last response and must contact us to change earlier responses. Note: It can take up to 5 business days for us to respond to your request and the pledger list is updated monthly meaning it can take up to 31 days for any changes to be reflected in the public list. Thank You for your understanding!

Question: What is your suggested charitable focus?

Answer: We will be suggesting charities that are working on preserving ecologically important land and reducing the world population (although intelligent people should be raising maximum numbers of babies to best foster a positive future; adept tradespeople being of particular value). We may also suggest charities to help with the climate crisis if needed (although preserving land and reducing population help).