Philanthropy For The 99.9%
Working to encourage those from the upper-middle class all the way to the lower classes to donate a portion of their capital to building a better world.
Pledgers commit to donating 15%* of their capital gains income to charitable causes of their choice.
We do suggest you donate to charities working to preserve the ecological integrity of the Earth. As the primary aim of this site is to harness our natural desire for wealth and interweave that desire with the needed goal of creating long term sustainable growth. Indeed, our number one goal is to ensure long term sustainable growth. Mind you, with the added caveat, that it may be necessary to tolerate periods of degrowth in the short term in order to optimally achieve longer term goals of growth in the future. Learning to live with periods of GDP decline may therefore, somewhat counterintuitively, be needed for the successful achievement of humanities goals.
If you decide to join us on this journey, we will send you a once yearly update email with suggestions of high impact charities that help the environment along with a general update on the impact that The Giving Pledge 27X Pledgers are having.
Note: that Pledgers are always free to pursue the common good in anyway they see fit with their contributions.
*Or the equivalent of 10% – 11% after accounting for tax credits/deductions for donating to charity in your country.
We believe that the 99.9% can create a tremendous impact through collective action in working towards creating long term sustainable growth for our planet.
Growth that encompasses wealth, health, morality and spiritual wellbeing.
Some think that the billionaires control our destiny, but this is simply not the case, as those without a billion dollars control 96.7% of the worlds wealth (having 27x more wealth than the billionaire class); through collective action therefore we believe we can nudge the course of history for the better.
This site is in friendly competition with The Giving Pledge billionaires who have pledged more than 50% of their wealth to charity. We think we can out-donate them by 27x and multiply the positive impact of The Giving Pledge’s charitable causes (and your causes) by the same amount. All the while bringing novel ideas and energy to the world of philanthropy.
Contact Us:
Contact Form
Based out of:
Ontario, Canada.
Total Pledgers (updated monthly)
Percentage Given Compared To The Giving Pledge
Total Cost Of Our Project Per Year (amount spent on areas other than direct charitable action)
Take The Pledge
Click the button below to take the pledge
Impactfulness towards bridging the yearly gap in investment of 824 billion in destroying versus protecting the environment.
Pledge Target:
of the World’s Population
~700 of 824,000,000,000
(USD) Goal
Current Pledgers:
of the World’s Population
*The Giving Pledge has 211 billionaire pledgee’s | 8% of the world’s billionaires.
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